LOZENGE: Doozy (2000) Toyo
“The cross-pollination of punk and improvised music has opened various new avenues of exploration… Doozy is a messy, frenetic, supercharged pack of tracks…barreling through occasional odd meters, fuzzy garage riffs, and menacing prog-punk pronouncements…”
entymology (2000) barely auditable
“Entymology could have been only a curiosity, something exotic-sounding for the improv crowd, but it goes beyond that. It so happens Kyle Bruckmann is a seasoned improviser with impressive extended technique and peculiar artistic flair. . . Entymology is an enchanting experience that expands the possibilities (and the comprehension) of the double reed family. Strongly recommended.” (François Couture, All-Music Guide)
Science of Glass Gargantua (1999) w/ Lozenge ...
LOZENGE: Plenum (1995) Farrago
“…Then there are other other bands that take a far-fetched musical idea (like mayhem, for instance), aggressively fart around with it for a few months, play about two live gigs, break up, disappear and then a year later, when individual band members may already have tenure in hell for all anyone knows, hawk up a gob of indispensable racket such as Plenum . . . “