gasps & fissures (2004) 482Music

gasps & fissures (2004) 482Music

“Gasps & Fissures’s microscopic constructions are meticulously built from some of the music’s smallest bits. . . Bruckmann’s classical and jazz influences are stripped down and dissected, resulting in music that’s as much electronic as it is either of the aforementioned styles. . . Like a slide of single-celled organisms bursting to life under a microscope, this album finds flourishing life in the most unexpected of places.” (Adam Strohm, Dusted Magazine)

Wrack: s/t (2003) Red Toucan

Wrack: s/t (2003) Red Toucan

“Bruckmann’s compositions are a carefully constructed balancing act between a written hybrid of jazz/classical motifs and improvised interplay. These seven compositions (with one non-original) emphasize a dark, reflective sound that thrives on dynamic variance… On Ornette Coleman’s “Lonely Woman”, the ensemble cuts to the core of the piece in perhaps the most breathtaking version of this song ever recorded (after Ornette, of course).” (Jay Collins, One Final Note)

and (2001) Musica Genera

and (2001) Musica Genera

“And is a collection of duets pitting his oboe, cor, suona (a Chinese double-reed instrument) and raita against the cream of Chicago improvisors. . . Where Bruckmann’s first album showcased his virtuoso playing, And reveals he’s just as capable of virtuoso listening.” (Dan Warburton, The Wire)

entymology (2000) barely auditable

entymology (2000) barely auditable

“Entymology could have been only a curiosity, something exotic-sounding for the improv crowd, but it goes beyond that. It so happens Kyle Bruckmann is a seasoned improviser with impressive extended technique and peculiar artistic flair. . . Entymology is an enchanting experience that expands the possibilities (and the comprehension) of the double reed family. Strongly recommended.” (François Couture, All-Music Guide)

Contact Kyle Bruckmann